The prescribed burns that went wrong in New Mexico

In January 2022, authorities in New Mexico, USA, began a series of prescribed burns. Months later this became the worst fire catastrophe in this state. Prescribed, or controlled burns, are fires that are carefully planned and designed by experts for forest management....

The Fire Season in Western Australia 2022

Australia is widely known to have an extensive fire season during Summer. However, in recent years it is common that the fire season extends to Autumn or even Winter each year. In fact, a recent study suggests that the burned area during this season has increased...

Record emissions from wildfires in Argentina

According to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, fire activity in the first months of 2022 in South America has been the most intense since the beginning of the study, in 2003. What is the meaning of this? Sadly, the meaning of this is that we can...